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Sylvan Pearl 30mm Chonk



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This chonk features cascading multiple colors of shifting interference powders with pthalo green inking

Things to know about this listing:

~*This dice is a d20 or 20 sided dice
~*This is a 30mm dice, so a good bit bigger than most standard dice
~* My dice are made with a pressure pot to reduce and in most cases entirely eliminate internal bubbles

Notable Flaws on the Original:

If Ordering This Style:
~*This commission can take up to 2-6 weeks to produce due to the nature of resin works and needing to have time to fully cure before being able to do any kind of sanding/polishing/finishing methods
~*I currently have four molds for these dice right now, so *if* I get a bit of a back up in a production queue, a public waitlist will be made available



  • Original