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So in addition to using them for tabletop gaming, a D20 can also be used for fortune telling. If you've ever used a Magic 8 Ball, they actually use a D20 inside for the different answers. And I happen to have the list!

So grab your new dice, or your favorite one, and have some fun!

  1. My reply is no
  2. Don't count on it
  3. My sources say no
  4. Very Doubtful
  5. Outlook not so good
  6. Better not tell you now
  7. Cannot Predict Now
  8. Ask again Later
  9. Reply Hazy, try again
  10. Concentrate and ask again
  11. Outlook good
  12. Most Likely
  13. Signs point to yes
  14. As I see it, yes
  15. Yes
  16. You can rely on it
  17. Without a doubt
  18. Yes, definitely
  19. It is decidely so
  20. It is certain